Sina Oasis Picture/Video Download

Free oasis video/picture downloader,Without Watermark, Lossless Video Quality, Free, Easy, Fast

How to download Oasis video/photo without watermark?

1、Open Oasis app on your phone or web on your browser.

2、Choose whatever Oasis you want to download.

3、Click to the Share button.

4、Click the Copy Link button.

5、If you are on the website, copy the URL link directly.

6、Go back to and paste your download link to the field above then click to the Download button.

7、Wait for our server to do its job and then, save the video to your device.

tips: It takes 2-10 seconds to download, please be patient. If nothing happened after 15 seconds, you can refresh the website and retry, or you can contact us

Frequently Asked Questions

Long press the "download" and select "Download Linked File". This will allow you to download.
Click here for a detailed tutorial